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Visual Communication Bachelor Degree Programs

Looking for a college degree in communications and design? Accredited colleges and universities offer these online bachelor degree programs in fine arts and visual communication. Learn design, publishing, marketing, and more.

Online Bachelor Degrees in Visual Communication

For a position that will allow you to take advantage of your creative and artistic abilities, visual communications offers several options. Online bachelor's degrees in visual communication are the programs of choice for artists, graphic designers, and multimedia professionals. The critical concepts explored in these programs include visual media, artistic illustration, publishing and design, mass communication, and technology tools. The four-year bachelor's degree is typically the minimum requirement for jobs in the field.

In addition to bachelor's degrees, most visual communications professionals must complete some form of internship or apprenticeship. Although you will be performing basic, and sometimes rudimentary, tasks, studying under an industry mentor will shorten the learning curve and speed up your journey to a full-time position within the industry.

Employment of graduates in this field is expected to continue to grow steadily in the next decade, due in part to an increase in visual communications on the Internet. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that visual communications professionals held about 428,000 jobs in 2004, with more than 25 percent of that number working in a freelance capacity.

Although no program can guarantee a position or salary, visual communications will continue to offer opportunities for those who hold online bachelor's degrees.

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